Love your needs, love your life!

As children, most of us weren’t taught to recognise or value our needs. We may find ourselves stumbling through adult life with many opinions and beliefs, but without really knowing what it is that drives us and is most important to us. Our relationships, our health and our ability to lead fulfilling lives may all suffer as a result.

What really pushes you to do what you do? When you argue with your partner, get impatient with your kids or enjoy going out to see a movie, what is the real reason? According to Dr. Marshall Rosenberg (founder of NVC), every action we undertake is an attempt – however misguided – to meet a human need.

It’s time to bring our needs out of the closet! Getting to know our needs is the first step towards a life that is happier, more rewarding and more peaceful, because:

  • When we know what our needs are, we can start to meet them in healthy, creative ways

  • When we take responsibility for our own feelings and needs, our relationships improve dramatically

  • When we see how we frustrate our own deepest longings, we can choose new strategies to get where we really want to go

  • As a result we can start to live a more purpose-filled life and support others to do the same

In this safe, experiential one-day workshop, you will:

  • Learn how to appreciate your feelings as guides to your needs

  • Get to know your needs as a precious treasure rather than a problem

  • Explore the hidden differences between feelings, judgements and assumptions

  • Find new clarity, which will prepare you for more powerful and effective action in the world

  • Connect with yourself and with other workshop participants

Sunday 22nd April 10:00 to 18:00

Stroud, venue to be confirmed

How much?
Please offer an amount that works for you, bearing in mind your own resources, what the workshop offers you, and also the facilitator’s needs. I suggest something between £30 and £80; you can also decide at the end of the day what it was worth for you!

Facilitator Graham Timmins has been leading groups and sharing what he’s learnt from people wiser than himself for over 20 years now. His keynote is clarity, his predilection is to have fun and his striving is to create safe spaces for personal growth. See what people who’ve attended his workshops all over Europe have said about them.

Booking and queries
£30 deposit confirms your place on this workshop.

Please contact me if you have any questions (also if this date doesn’t suit you, as other options may be available).

Bank transfers: NatWest, 60-60-40, 5365149